Friday, September 11, 2009


I am sitting here writing this post, stunned that it has been eight years since September 11, 2001. It is hard to believe that this much time has passed, but the pain of that day still is ever present. Today, I chose not to focus on the pain that day inflicted on this country, but, instead, God led me to focus on the goodness in humanity. One of the beautiful things about this country is its people in times of crisis. On that dreadful day, did we look at people and ask them if they were Republican or Democrat, liberal or conservative, before we helped them? Absolutely not. We rolled up our proverbial shirt sleeves and got to work. We donated untold amounts of money to help those we may never meet. We drove up to New York and Pennsylvania and Washington, DC just to ask, "What can I do to help?" Firefighters, police, paramedics and other first responders ran into buildings on a mission to save those trapped, unsure if they would return themselves. We held hands and prayed with strangers of different colors and of different faiths. Friends, I pray that this country will get back to how we were on September 12, 2001.

On this weekend of remembrance, focus on the good that God has instilled in all of us. Let's spread that goodness around like a beautiful fragrance in the air. May the Lord bless all of you!